Industries to Boom Post Pandemic Era

Industries to Boom Post Pandemic Era

Industries to Boom Post Pandemic Era

The pandemic has left some major global industries dismantled and some begging for financial support from governments to carry on operations to avoid filing insolvencies. Some of the key affected industries we see in the daily financial news are the Airline Industry, Hotels and Resorts, Commercial Real Estate, Theaters, Restaurants and Theme Parks. In the same way, there were industries that had positive outcomes from the pandemic. Industries such as Pharmaceutical, Medical Equipment, Technology, Grocery Stores, E-commerce and Online Communication systems stood out from the bottom. This situation remakes me think of the quote from the book The Art of War by Sun Tzu – β€œIn the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”

When looking at the post pandemic era, some of these industries will continue to thrive long term. According to an article posted by, the following industries are expected to thrive post covid era. Personal Protective Equipment which means medical equipment will continue to thrive. Online meeting platforms which are technology companies such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and many more platforms will be in high demand as the work from home is going to be an ongoing trend and businesses need to connect with their employees via online. Cybersecurity is on the list. ABMSZ offers cybersecurity services and cybersecurity will be a high demand service for the long run because with digital transformation comes digital crimes which must be stopped. With schools closed down, online learning platforms will continue to boom. The education industry has to adapt to technology at a rapid pace to meet students and parents expectations from these organizations. With theaters going down, streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney + are on the rise with people stuck at home and in need of entertainment. With streaming services, another industry that saw positive side was video game industry. Other industries to boom as per to the article are Online Grocery Shopping, Food Delivery, E-Commerce, Pharmaceuticals, Electric Vehicles are some of the key industries that will boom post covid.

I do think some industries that are not mentioned in the list are Airline Industry and Hotel Industry because people are itching to travel the world again as they are tired of being stuck at one single place for over a year so these industries will see a V shape boom from my own analysis. The restaurants which are devastated right now will see a boom because we are social creatures and we want to spend time with friends and family at a bar or watch the big sports event at a bar with other fans. In conclusion I hope for the best a speedy global recovery from this pandemic.

Author – Jude Don, Chief Operating Officer at ABMSZ
Dated: May 20th, 2021